Welcome to the Higher Health Substack, Love Bugs!!!

If you’ve landed here - it certainly was no coincidence. You may read on and feel repulsed, and if so, I wish you well on your journey - we just aren’t aligned. I was put in timeout when I was in kindergarten for being too happy - my love, enthusiasm, passion - they’re very real and they aren’t for everyone. 

BUT - if you’re reading and you feel that little zing, tinglies on your head, or your intuition is simply on FIRE - then hop on this positive energy train because your landing here is Divinely timed, and we are definitely aligned!!  

I walked through the valley of the shadow of death - in more ways than one, and some I’ve just recently discovered - to get to where I am today, a place of Higher Health. That’s what this space is all about (more on that below). 

Here you’ll get a lot of love and connection along with genuine and intentional energy, because these things, well, I’m all about them. AND - I’ll transparently share it all with a heart of gold and channel some powerful and profound shit along the way. I even curse with love! 

Letting it rip very transparently - that’s what I’m here to do and that’s what I can promise you.

Let it rip! I’m here for the Higher Health journey!

If you did subscribe - check your spam, junk, promotions, and all the creepy, peepy inboxes for your Welcome email - and move it to your primary inbox so you receive all the future emails infused with heartfelt energy.

Discover What Awaits You!

Why Subscribe?

This Substack Publication is for those ready to elevate beyond conventional health and healing to embrace Higher Health—mind, body, and spirit. In this space, we connect deeply with ourselves, our Source, and the value of true health and well-being. Together with my Divine and Sacred guides, we co-create a journey of love through storytelling, education, and inspiration, where BEing healthy is about aligning every choice with your highest self. Expect heart-centered wisdom, connection, and some sassy love-infused critiques of the broken health care system and more.

Who Am I?

I’m Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers - but like you, that’s not really who I am. We are something so much more than these 3D identities. Living a Divinely guided life intentionally in alignment with my highest values, some of which are optimal health and well-being, connection, and integrity, is how I roll. My journey continues to be the road less traveled, and I continue to be a square peg that refuses to jam itself into the round hole. If you’re with me, my intuition tells me you’re a square peg too!

My only boss is Spirit - or my Divine and Sacred guides, Higher Self, Source - those are some of the interchangeable terms you’ll see me use in reference to my Big Boss. You have one too. I can’t wait to learn what you call yours, and here we’ll connect with it, and yourself, more deeply. 

I’ve learned to completely and blindly surrender to trust and faith in my Source, because I’ve been given too many examples that it’s the only choice there is, and it always results in magic and miracles beyond my wildest expectations. From near death experience to surviving trauma & abuse to finding my soulmate and myself through it all and so. much. more -  I’ll share all my stories with you - maybe it will help you lean into trust more too.

Leading with LOVE to optimal health and longevity is what I’m here for. As a Harvard-trained epidemiologist and a bridge between 3D and 5D, I'm passionately dedicated to helping you create Higher Health—mind, body, and spirit—by aligning with your true self and Source. In this space, connection is key, and every word is infused with love, wisdom, and a bit of productive sass & humor to inspire you to BE healthy.

My Mission

My dream - is happening right here - it’s sharing my writing with you. 

I waited too many years to finally speak my truth and let it rip. When we censor ourselves, we are not being healthy, we are literally taking away our own freedom. How can we be healthy, if we aren’t even free to be who we are?

Time to rise up to a new level and standard of being healthy. It’s about more than being healthy for ourselves now, it’s about more than making the surface level 3D healthy choices. It’s about being healthy in a way that benefits the entire planet and the collective consciousness. After all, what’s happening in and with our bodies is a direct reflection of our consciousness.

And the foundation of being healthy? It’s not the BS we’ve been told our whole lives, or the freakin food pyramid or plate model or whatever shape they’re teaching about now. The foundation and essence of being healthy is being connected - mind, body, and spirit - to ourselves and to our Source.

Let’s rise up together because the world needs your light now, and I love you just the way you are. 

What You Get as a Free Subscriber?

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Get access to all my regular free posts infused intentionally with heartfelt energy - whatever you need in any given moment is exactly what I’ll be guided to give you. You’ll receive posts directly to your inbox at least weekly where you’ll be able to like the articles. You’ll also get access to portions of posts that you can unlock by becoming a paid subscriber!

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Get access to ALL my posts - the free ones and the full version of posts reserved just for you. You get access to my private Higher Health community, where you’ll be able to comment on everything, share private comments, and participate in group discussions. Connection is what I am all about so I sincerely hope you’ll join me in the Higher Health Community, so we can connect heart-to-heart more deeply. 

Please like and comment away on all my articles, it fills my heart and means so very much to me and gives me a chance to return the positive energy directly to you! I love to hear from you! If you know someone who is aligned too, especially if they “pop” into mind while you’re reading anything here, please spread the love and share it with them. 

If you did subscribe - check your spam, junk, promotions, and all the creepy, peepy inboxes for your Welcome email - and move it to your primary inbox so you receive all the future emails infused with heartfelt energy.

Subscribe to Higher Health with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers

Explore Higher Health—mind, body, and spirit—through love, connection, and channeled wisdom, with a touch of sass to challenge the broken system.


This is for you if you're done talking about healing and ready to BE healthy—mind, body, and spirit—with love, connection, and some sassy takes on the broken healthcare system and other shit.